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Prof. Dr. Leonhard Menges

2016 - 2017 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Assistant Professor) and Coordinator of the to-be-established master programme in the Philosophy of Science

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AOS: Ethics and Social Philosophy

AOC: Free Will, Philosophical Moral Psychology, History of Ethics

In my current research I focus on the right to privacy: States collect and analyse data in order to prevent crime, terrorist attacks, or to predict social movements. Private businesses do the same in order to predict and influence consumer behaviour. Scientific researchers mine health data in order to find the sources or to predict the dissemination of diseases. Many fear that these technological and social developments threaten citizens' right to informational privacy. But what exactly is this right to privacy, why is it important, and how exactly does it relate to changes in our social world? These questions are at the heart of my current research project.

Selected Publications

Moralische Vorwürfe [Moral Blame], forthcoming in the series "Ideen & Argumente", Berlin: De Gruyter.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
"Grounding Responsibility in Appropriate Blame", American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1), p. 15-24, 2017.
"The Emotion Account of Blame", Philosophical Studies 147 (1), p. 257-273, 2017 (preprint).
"Being Realistic About Reflective Equilibrium" (Critical Notice), Analysis  75(3), p. 514-522, with Hannah Altehenger und Simon Gaus, 2015.
"How Not to Defend Moral Blame" (Discussion Note), Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 4, p. 1-7, 2014.

Current Teaching

SoSe 2017
Privatsphäre in Medizin und Lebenswissenschaften [Privacy in Medicine and the Life Science]